Happy Thursday!
I laced up the shoes this morning and went for my inaugural run in
the new New Balances. They did alright. Me—not so much. I kept the pace at
about the level I had been doing earlier this summer, but taking two weeks off
has not helped me mentally. It’ll be a little bit before I’m back in running
Work ended up being very busy today. Not like mid-August busy, but
it was still surprisingly steady. The waitlist almost broke the 60-minute mark.
A lot of that has to do with the significantly fewer number of servers. I think
we only about 2/3 of the total number of tables are in use now.
We had two really funny info booth visitors today.
The first was a young family getting on the waitlist. The dad said
the party size was four. The mom cut in and corrected him with a count of
three. Sarah, Jamie, the dad, and I were all confused as to what she meant. She
was grasping the handle of a stroller filled with an infant while a
pre-schooler clung to the back of her shirt. Then she said, “Oh, yeah. I forgot
I have two children now.” We then all had a good laugh, but I imagine that will
become one of those stories the dad will tell over and over again.
The second funny visitor was a lady with a British accent. She
wanted the time in order to figure out when to make her reservation. She
spotted a round object on the wall with numbers on it. From looking at it, she
determined it was 3:00 and she should make a 4:30 reservation after she
finishes hiking around the pond. The funny thing: we don’t have a clock on the
wall. We have a thermometer.
This evening was the big Packer viewing party. Two of the kitchen
workers hosted it at the company apartments on the northern end of the island.
I met up with Luke in Bar Harbor, and then he and I drove up to the party
together. Along the way we grabbed the Packer party essentials of Cheez-its and
Miller Lite.
I was one of two Wisconsinites at the party. Most everyone else
seemed to be a full-blown or lukewarm football fan. Unfortunately, we had one
Minnesota Vikings fan who had commentary for almost everything. It turned out
alright, though; he was pretty funny and seemed to become emotionally involved
with the Packers toward the end of the game. Even Vikings have a heart.
Overall the party was fantastic. Having restaurant kitchen staff
host and attend it meant that we ate well. The loss was a tough pill to
swallow, but the pork roast smoked for about 3 hours was easy to eat.
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