Monday, September 15, 2014

12 September 2014

Happy Friday!

Nice weather, small crowds today. Just a typical fall day in Acadia I'd say.

No one made it to God and Fudge today. It turned out alright, though. I was able to chat with one of the managers during the morning and evening sessions. She was having a long, rough day so I was a good distraction I guess.

She asked me if I get upset when no one shows up for Bible Study. I told her not really. It's happened a few times this summer that no one made it. The first few times that happened, I've sat there alone and stewed in anger at people who didn't follow through on their commitments to come.  Lately, however, I've spent the time humbling myself and remembering that God is interacting with the lives of the people around me in many more ways than just ones that involve me. Overall, I'm alright with the inconsistent turnout. I'm not sure how God uses God and Fudge each week, but I trust that the time and effort is serving a divine purpose.

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