Sunday, August 10, 2014

8 August 2014

Happy Friday!

God and Fudge day! No one made it to the morning session. That didn't catch me off-guard. I brought the book 24/6 to read. At the ACMNP training conference all of us received a copy of it. The author is a former ER doctor and discusses the importance of keeping the Sabbath (or "stop day"). He made a pretty convincing case. I highly recommend the book and his advice of taking a day of rest once a week.

Work was significantly less busy than previous days this week. That's typical this summer. Tuesdays through Thursdays are the busiest at the JPH followed by Mondays and Fridays and then the weekends. It's a little counter intuitive but that's just the way the cookie crumbles under the JPH visitors.  

During dinner I kept an eye on Batman Begins playing on the television. I thought I should finish it up after dinner, but then I received a better offer from Raul to play chess against him. He beat me. To say I held my own probably isn't an accurate statement. 

At the evening God and Fudge session the usual crowd didn't show up for various, understandable reasons. Two guys from the dorm, however, followed through on their promise to stop by during their break from work. Inviting my roommate yielded a good conversation about his belief in God. I also had a chance to share some fudge and my faith with one of the hosts on duty at the restaurant. So all in all, God and Fudge was once again a success!

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