Thursday, August 21, 2014

18 August 2014

Happy Monday!

Today caught me off-guard. I thought that since we are out of the infamous first two weeks in August that meant that today would be slow and easy at work today. In reality, however, today was on par with the last two Mondays. I handled the phone and question spot today while Jami stayed out in the parking lot and Edie added folks to the waitlist. It’s hard to know exactly how many phone calls I answered today, but it had to be close to 15 or 20 per hour. Because the reservation slots are fairly full all week, each phone call for a reservation took about 2:30 to either figure out a reservation time that is available yet also works for the guest or to explain how just because all the reservations are full doesn’t mean that they cannot come in as a walk-in guest. Every time someone said they want a reservation but not until September or October, I was quite relieved. A reservation made early is a happy reservation.

Work wore me out today. I lumbered back to the dorm tired and hungry. And then I saw that….it was pizza night! Mm mmm. And to add icing to the delicious dinner cake, Sean also made minestrone soup for us. I enjoyed the feast.

I found out that someone else enjoyed a feast: my arch nemesis the dorm mouse. On Saturday night I found that he, or she, had once again broke into my bags of granola, nuts, and flax seeds which I use for a snack each day. Today, I found that he had been eating my Riccola drops and making a mess in the bottom drawer of my closet. I had to breakout the vacuum to get rid of all the evidence of my furry roommate. I hope he never has a sore throat or cough ever again.

As I catch up on writing blog entries, I am watching ESPN Monday Night Football. The Redskins are beating the Browns. Summer is officially winding down. Here comes fall!

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