Friday, August 1, 2014

31 July 2014

Happy Thursday!

Work was busy today. We had almost an hour wait and countless hold ups in the parking lot. I am becoming very good at explaining the hassles of the crowds. For example, although there are no reservations still available, “you can still join us here as a walk-in guest,” and how if no parking spots are available in the south lot “go to the north lot which is bigger which means it turns over a little quicker.” Folks don’t really like those phrases. They must remember, however, that “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.”

This evening I went into town to access the reliable and fast wi-fi at the Jesup Library. I had to complete my applications for the ACMNP post-October positions. As I was working, two Jamaican ladies walked in and sat at a computer right next to me. One asked me to help open an email attachment. I did so easily. She was so impressed that she asked me if I would "like" to fill in her forms for her. Before I knew it, I was filling out temporary work forms for a Jamaican to work in Canada. She and her friend are both in their 50s and have worked housekeeping jobs in hotels all their lives. I imagine neither of them had any experience with computers at all, so they truly did appreciate my help. Once they knew I was here with ACMNP they knew they could thank God for providing a way for them to complete the forms using the ever-so-complicated Firefox browser and Service Canada form portal. The best part for me is I now have two Jamaican friends that I met here in Maine.

The library closed at 8:00 so I didn't have time to finish my applications before the librarians were going to kick me out. I went to the ice cream and fudge shop Sabrina works at to buy the fudge for God and Fudge Club. I try and alternate between her's and Luke's store. I don't want to play favorites when it comes to purchasing fudge. 

To access the internet and work on my applications some more, I went to the park in town. Not only do they have free wi-fi, but the Bar Harbor Band also had a concert. Using the internet has never been so pleasant.

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