Friday, August 1, 2014

30 July 2014

Happy Wednesday!

Busy day again at the Jordan Pond House. The waitlist crept all the way up to 55 minutes but didn’t manage to break the hour mark. All well, I bet we still have a good three weeks of potentially busy days ahead of us.

Parking lot duty was fairly uneventful today. I had another guy ask if he could park in the grass. He had a similar response to the previous gentleman when I told him I couldn’t actually ticket him, but he runs the risk of being caught by a ticket-happy park ranger. I may have to talk to the park service and see if they could increase the fine for parking in that one specific spot. During peak hours there are some folks willing to risk a hefty fine for such a convenient spot. The question is what’s the dollar amount?

After work I took the bus down to Seal Harbor Beach to call Grandma before doing my evening run. It’s amazing how cell phones allow us to keep in touch with one another. After all, I was watching the fog roll in off the Atlantic Ocean while she was watching the humidity roll off everything in Missouri.

This evening I wrote up my first draft of the sermon/talk/message for this Sunday. It took me quite a while to get the draft out of my head and onto Microsoft Word. To write in peace, I hid upstairs in the restaurant to escape the hustle and bustle of the dorm. Finally around 10:15, Keegan had to kick me out because she needed to close up the restaurant for the night. Walking back to the dorm with my laptop on my back and darkness all around brought me back to the not-so-long-ago days of walking back to Knowles Hall across The Oval as the bell at Main Hall ticked off the 11:00 hour. I guess college is still with me in a way.

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