Wednesday, June 25, 2014

25 June 2014

Happy Wednesday!

This evening I went into emergency mode. Following my post-run shower, I discovered that I had no more clean underwear. I concluded the best solution was to wear my swimsuit. An issue arose, however, in that it is not warm enough outside to wear just my swim trunks. It's blue jean weather. Therefore, I now find myself uncomfortably wearing swimwear underneath my Levi's. Fortunately, the drier only has another 50 minutes left. Relief is coming soon.

Compared to my crisis this evening, the rest of the day was a piece of cake. Although, work was steady and heavy today. Jami and I received a lot of phone calls for future reservations. The place is starting to hop a little more each day.

For my run today I headed down to the Wildwood Stables. They do the carriage rides on the carriage roads in the park. The place has a distinct odor of equestrian fecal matter,  but it's a better smell than that of the common dorm room area. During my time down there, I managed to avoid contact with any horses. I'm a little ascareded (the proper pronunciation of the word "scared" according to Dad) because they are big. I'm weary of anything bigger than me: horses, bears, elephants, my roommate Nenad...

During my cool down after the run, I ran into Luke, my ACMNP (A Christian Ministry in the National Parks) teammate. He was waiting for the Island Explorer shuttle to take him from the Jordan Pond House back to Bar Harbor. He spent his day off "peak bagging" several of the mountains on this side of the island. Judging by his route, he had some ambition today. During my next day off on Saturday we'll find out if I can match his ambition. I sort of doubt it.

This evening I read over some of the blogs from the official ACMNP bloggers...not ones on the down-low ("DL" for you cool people) like me. They have some pretty interesting, inspiring, intriguing, and intertaining stuff. Check them out:

Today's picture of the day is a welcome sight in the men's hallway: a plug-in air freshener. Already there is a noticeable increase in pleasant smells in the cooridor. I hope the scent can make it into our common area. If so, it may start to be less pungent in there than it is at Wildwood Stables.

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