Friday, June 13, 2014

12 June 2014

Happy Thursday!

Today I woke up around 8:00 and wandered into the employee dining room to grab a little bit of breakfast before heading back to the room for quiet time/devotionals. Suddenly, the dorm manager, Jake, asked me if I was going to the “Green Team” meeting. I wasn’t planning on it, of course, but I thought: YOLO… and went anyway. (For those of you who aren’t aware YOLO=you only live one=just do something and don’t consider the consequences).

At the meeting the sustainability director for Dawnland, the company I work for at the Jordan Pond House, outlined his vision for an employee organization that will enthusiastically work to better the human and natural environment—aka the “Green Team”. We didn’t make any formal decisions on how we will do that besides agreeing to paint the dumpsters next week. Several of the girls requested bedazzles (beads?) and pink paint. That probably won’t be what we get, though. It sounds like besides decorating the dumpsters, we actually will be doing some pretty cool and serious stuff. I’ll report back on this topic more later on.

The clouds kept the visitors away today, so Sarah and I had to busy ourselves with trying to figure out how to keep ourselves busy. Also, today I rectified the trail tidbit I gave out yesterday. Turns out for several folks I ended up sending them in the wrong direction for their requested path. Of course it was completely by accident, but I still feel bad. I hope they aren’t still out wandering around and looking for the Jordan Pond Trail near the Springs Trail trailhead. They won’t find it there. I know, I know, rookie mistake.

After work I went on what was probably the longest run I’ve done in the past four years: 5.8 miles. Between not having a team to run with in college and becoming really busy during the daytime over the last four years, running ran away from me. But I’m catching back up to it now, albeit at a 10:00/mile pace.

In ping pong tonight I went 3-1 against two of the Macedonians. One had a wicked spin on his serve. I’ll need to practice my counter strike against that. At this rate, I’ll be a master at ping pong amongst Americans and Eastern Europeans by the end of the season. Then I’ll have to make South American, African, and Asian friends.

Tonight I finished a draft of my sermon/talk/message for the ACMNP chapel services this Sunday. I’m feeling pretty confident that this will be pretty much the final content of what I deliver on Sunday. It was pretty cool how the Holy Spirit revealed new ideas and helped me craft the talk over the last few days. Please pray for me to edit out anything in my talk that is based on my own thoughts uninspired by the Spirit and does not reflect what God wills for me to deliver.

The picture of the day is my name tag on my official work fleece. Enjoy!

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