Tuesday, June 17, 2014

16 June 2014

Happy Monday!

Today was a special day at the info booth. Ranger Kathy joined us for half the day! She runs the information desk at the Hulls Cove Visitor Center. Her visit was to find out what sort of questions we get at the Jordan Pond House as opposed to the National Park Service site. She also wanted to find out what life was like at our info desk. I opened this morning so I didn't have back-up from 9:00-11:00. Ranger Kathy witnessed the daily 10:00-11:00 phone rush when we get a plethora of phone reservations while a correspondingly large number of visitors come to the desk to ask questions. I think she was a little surprised how busy it was there for a while.

She and I had a nice talk about recreation management matters. I felt like my Parks, Tourism, and Recreation Management degree from the University of Montana prepared me well to be able to converse with a real life National Park Service ranger. Go Griz!

The rest of the day wasn't too noteworthy. Although the sun was out all day and the wisteria tree/vines are almost in full bloom. Looking awfully summer-like.

After work I went for a quick run down and through the community of Seal Harbor. Rumor has it that Martha Stewart has a house in town. I didn't find it, but I'll keep looking for it.

This evening about half the dorm watched the US-Ghana World Cup game. I think the Eastern Europeans were most excited about the US victory. I guess soccer (okay, football) really is the game that unites.

Today's picture of the day is a shot of the ACMNP ministry team yesterday and the infamous morning
service dogs that Miles brings. Enjoy!

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