Happy Tuesday!
As a way to escape the hustle and bustle of the employee
dorm, I decided to come up here to the observation deck of the Jordan Pond
House. The restaurant stopped seating guests around an hour ago, and I just
heard behind me a gift shop worker fighting with the upstairs door to the gift
shop to close it for the night. So I get to enjoy the deck all to myself. The
cool wind is blowing across Jordan Pond as the final lights of dusk are slowly
moving west and causing the “Bubbles” to lose their distinctive outlines
against the night sky. Acadia is a pretty neat place.
Today was a fairly uneventful day. I woke up a little later
than usual because my work day didn’t begin until 11am. The highlight of the
morning was talking on the phone with dad voice as we caught up on the big
stuff like family members’ health to the little things like what plants in the
garden survived the last frost. It was good to hear his voice. Mom, in case you
are wondering, I liked hearing your voice last night, too.
Jami and I held down the fort today…the fort being the info
booth. No wait list. No long lines. No traffic jams. An uneventful day overall.
But that’s alright. Her and I were able to talk to some nice visitors, fellow
restaurant employees, and each other. I certainly have a pretty sweet gig for
the summer…so far. We’ll see how I feel when the busy season comes in a few
After work I went for a run/hike. My total mileage ended up
being over 5 miles and included the false summit of one of the highest mountains
in the park. The view from up there was amazing. I would have taken a picture to
post on the blog, but I want to keep that view as a personal mental picture.
It’s not that I don’t want to share Acadia with you all, it’s just that
sometimes we all need to have a glimpse of beauty that we stays between just
God and us.
The picture of the day is the front of the Jordan Pond House
at dusk. Enjoy!
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