Friday, June 20, 2014

20 June 2014

Happy Friday!

The National Weather Service had an off-day today. They must have misspelled “clouds and sprinkles” and instead wrote “sunny.” I suppose we shouldn’t really consider them at fault. When you have to predict weather for an island situated between a continent with wild weather and an ocean with opposing currents, I imagine just getting the date right is hard enough.

We were fairly steady today at the info booth until around 3:30. Things began slowing down significantly at that point. Sarah and I wrapped up the day with some deep cleaning by sweeping the floor and washing the dry erase board. Oh, and I also found more scotch tape. The girls in the bar come in to the booth every morning and take several pieces, so we’re running low. When I was in the main office getting the extra roll from the storage cabinet, Mike, the gift shop manager said to the office assistant, “Wait, we do have tape dispensers?” Apparently we have a highly sought-after artifact in our booth.

After work I went for my long run of the week. This time around it was to be 8 miles. I think/hope I ended up going for 8.5. If not, I need to pick up the pace. I became uncomfortably hungry during my run. I have to work on my eating schedule. My last big meal most days is at 11:00, so by the time I run after work my body is super hungry. It may or may not be an exaggeration to say that I became so hungry around mile 6 that I was keeping my mouth open extra wide in hopes of catching a bug or two…(for the record that was an exaggeration).

After making it back to the dorm and having some spaghetti and meatballs, I settled in for the evening to watch a World Cup match, a little bit of the College World Series game, and Survivorman, all while hanging out with Ben who just started working in the gift shop today. Rumor has it that today was awfully busy in there.

The picture of the day is my closet complete with shelves that no longer sag. I used a wire hanger to keep them in just the right spot. I’m a regular ole engineer. Enjoy!

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