Monday, July 21, 2014

18 July 2014

Happy Friday!

God and Fudge started up today with a bang...sort of. No one made it to the morning session (at 8:30 am) so Ally and I just hung out and ate some fudge. She left to go work on her sermon for Sunday so I stayed back and read a couple of Paul's letters in the Bible. I thoroughly enjoyed that extended time with the Bible.

Attendance at the evening session was at an exponentially higher person showed up. She and I had a really great talk about our beliefs. I broke out the "Perspective Cards" which are a Cru resource I had in college. A few people that said they'd come or showed interest didn't make it. It really didn't matter, however, what the attendance was for the first week. Numbers are not the objective. Rather, the main heart behind the club was inviting people to come as a way to spark conversation. Also, it's about being obedient to the Holy Spirit's guidance to become known as a spiritual resource in the dorm. God and Fudge has achieved these things.

Nothing too noteworthy at work today.

Today's picture of the day is a shot of the table centerpieces I put out last night leading up to God and Fudge on Friday.

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