Saturday, July 12, 2014

11 July 2014

Happy Friday!

Normal day at work today. The only novel thing today was that the penny pressing machine reached a new level of annoyingness. It now squeaks and sequels on every single crank. It's is terribly unpleasant.

This evening after the all-dorm meeting I extended the invitation to everyone to attend the God and Fudge Club. I received a lot of blank stares, but afterwards I had a few good conversations about it. Plus, people ate all the fudge. Sounds like there will be interest. My announcement wasn't very articulate at all, but it is comforting to remember that the club is not about me or my words. Rather, it's about looking into the Bible, getting into conversation, and being intentional about getting closer to God.

Afterwards, I wrote follow-up thank you postcards to all those who helped financially support me for my ACMNP ministry this summer. If any of you are reading this, your postcard is no the way and once again thank you. Also, I also want to thank anyone who has been supporting me and the team with your prayers. That is also a vital support channel I need. Please continue to do that for us.

Today's picture of the day is all the pretty postcards I sending to my supporters. Acadia sure is a beautiful place.

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