Thursday, July 17, 2014

17 July 2014

Happy Thursday!

The rain ceased today so the crowds came back. During parking lot duty, I somewhat successfully untied the biggest tie-up I've seen thus far. Cars were backed up all the way to the main road. Fortunately, we now have fancy orange safety to wear, so I felt safe and official while trying to direct the flood of vehicles. I think wearing an orange vest does make a difference--far fewer people ignored me. In fact, I even had a few compliments. According to some of the Jordan Pond House veterans, tie-ups like today's are just a taste of what the first two weeks of August will be like. Oh boy...

I ended my day early so I could meet up with my former neighbors from Wisconsin. We ate an awesome late lunch out on the lower lawn which means we were as close to the water as possible. I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with them. I'm pretty sure I haven't talked with them at length since before I left for college. We had a lot to talk about.

After lunch/dinner we headed into town to get some ice cream for dessert. After we finished our cones, they had to head back to their bed and breakfast on the other side of the island. Tomorrow morning they leave at 5:00 to make it back to Portland for their flight. The "bright side" is they'll be leaving only a three minutes before sunrise. 

I finished up doing some important errands in town such as picking up fudge and copies of the New Testament for God and Fudge Club tomorrow. Sabrina generously ordered a significant number of copies of the New Testament, so anyone who ever comes to the club will be able to take a copy with them. As for fudge, I don't think the quantity is as copious. 

Today's picture of the day is a bag of ginger snaps. Last night my neighbors called my folks to ask what sort of stuff I'd appreciate. Dad wisely suggested ginger snaps. I'm pretty excited to break into this bag.

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