Tuesday, July 15, 2014

14 July 2014

Happy Monday!

This morning the sky looked like it had a case of the “Mondays”. It was cloudy and blah. Around noon, however, the sky suddenly exhibited a sunny disposition. As a result, the amount of visitors increased exponentially in the course of about an hour. I started directing traffic at 11:30. All was well until approximately 12:34. Without warning, the floodgates opened and the backups started. I rushed here and there to get the line moving, provide some semblance of order in the intersection, and answer questions from guests. The rush ended about as quickly as it came. I would have called my performance a success, except now I have another standard beside the original no-crash-no-deaths one—to prevent anyone from parking on the grass at the start of the parking lot. A Subaru snuck in there when I wasn’t looking. The sight of four wheels on the grass was deflating.

At 2:30 I determined I should head back into the booth and let the parking lot be. It didn’t miss me much. I’ve determined a parking attendant is loved by those he helps direct into a spot. He is not held in high regard by those who circle him multiple times in their futile attempts to find a spot. For those who don’t fall into either of those categories, a parking attendant is just some sunburnt kid they don’t even notice. All that being said, it’s an enjoyable job in its own way I suppose.

The afternoon was steady but slow. I passed time by reformating the Excel document with the data from the satisfaction surveys. I probably shouldn’t report on how we are doing, but I’m sure I’m alright to say that just in the month of June we received over 2,000 surveys. Jami, Sarah, and I read and recorded each one of those by hand. Now that’s what I call data collection!

This evening I was going to go for a run down to the ocean and back. On the way, however, I saw a path I’d never seen before going into the woods. I followed it and figured out it’s the lower section the Jordan Steam Path. It was incredibly gorgeous and obviously not well-used. I decided to forego the run and just mosey instead. Here’s what I saw.

An hour and a half later, I made it back to the dorm. Ally and I met up to talk about the first meeting of God and Fudge Club this Friday. I think we have a solid plan, but you can bet we’ll be praying this week for the Holy Spirit to align ourselves with his will for the club. If you can pray for us and the Club too, we’d appreciate that.

The picture of the day is the meadow just above Long Pond. As you can tell, the fog was really starting to roll in by this time in the evening. Still, I love meadows and this one is no exception.

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