Wednesday, October 15, 2014

14 October 2014

Happy Tuesday!

The season is winding down out here. With the passage of Columbus Day weekend, the number of visitors is falling as fast as the leaves off of the beech tree behind the restaurant. If not for the three cruise ships docked at Bar Harbor today (with a combined total of 6,000 passengers), there wouldn't have been much happening on Mount Desert Island. There's still a fair amount of landlubbing leaf peepers here too. After we pass peak leaf color later this week, I bet things really quiet down. Slowly but surely winter is coming. That seems surreal since I arrived here when some of the trees were still working hard to fully leaf out. Sometimes I feel like we are just in a cold snap right now and soon enough the weather will turn back to "normal." In other words, I feel like the summer season is still here.

A group of us tried going candlestick bowling up in Ellsworth. "Old Bill" (probably not his real name but he seems like a Bill to me) apparently decided that 8:40 was close enough to 9:00 and in turn closed up shop. We put Plan B into action and headed over to Wal-Mart. They certainly have a lot of Halloween merchandise out. Fortunately, I didn't see any hints of Thanksgiving or Christmas reflected in the retail selections. I appreciated that. I'm a firm supporter of the c'mon-people-one-holiday-at-a-time policy.

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