Saturday, October 11, 2014

11 October 2014

Happy Saturday!

Shout out to Grandpa Arnie: today he turns 90 years old. That's 4.1 times my lifetime. Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Today was cloudy and cool out here, but that didn't stop the Columbus Day weekend crowd. Edie, Jami, Tasia, and I all ended up in the info booth today due to a scheduling snafu. Tasia went to go talk to a manager and offer to be a floater today since we didn't need three people in the booth. The plan didn't go according to plan in that Tasia mentioning that we had more people than needed in the booth meant that I had to be a busser. I enjoy bussing, so I was alright with that. The only downside was that I wasn't mentally prepared. I thought my Tuesday stint was my one and only time having to carry heavy trays of breakable stuff.

I ended up working in the main dining room. I guess they didn't think I was ready to carry trays down from the balcony or the far distance from the porch. I ended up dropping an empty coffee container when I was starting to pick up a tray. Fortunately, nothing broke and I didn't end up dropping a whole tray. So I'd say today was a win.

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